JK-Ceramics 36
The 36th International Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics
Tottori, Japan | November 20-23, 2019

On-line Registration & Abstract Submission

For the registration, you should create your own ID at registration site. After creating your ID, you can register and also submit your abstract via the registration site.

Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: October 10, 2019
(Abstract submission is now closed.)

Early Bird Registration Deadline: October 30, 2019


Abstract (maximum length 1 page) should be submitted as PDF document, and prepared using the attached template (.docx). All abstracts should be written by English.

List of Sessions and Organizers

A. Ceramics for renewable and sustainable Energy
- Fuel cells, Batteries, Secondary cells, Solar cell, Thermoelectrics, etc.

: (Japan) Michitaka OHTAKI, Kyushu University, Professor
: (Korea) Hae jin HWANG, Inha University, Professor

B. Electroceramics and Applications
- Electronic ceramics, Magnetic ceramics, Piezoelectrics, Sensor materials, etc.

: (Japan) Nobuhito IMANAKA, Osaka University, Professor
: (Japan) Toshiyuki MASUI, Tottori University, Professor
: (Korea) Dae Yong JEONG, Inha University, Professor
: (Korea) Byung-Kook KIM, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Principal Researcher

C. Engineering Ceramics
- Structural and 3D printing, including powder processing etc.

: (Japan) Tadachika NAKAYAMA, Nagaoka University of Technology, Professor
: (Korea) Yoon-Soo HAN, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology (KICET), Senior Researcher

D. Bio and Environmental Ceramics
: (Japan) Toshihiro KASUGA, Nagoya Institute of Technology University, Professor
: (Japan) Chikara OHTSUKI, Nagoya University, Professor
: (Korea) Jeong-Ho CHANG, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology (KICET), Senior Researcher
: (Korea) Sang Yeup PARK, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Professor

E. Basic Science of Ceramics
: (Japan) Kei INUMARU, Hiroshima University, Professor
: (Korea) Kyoon CHOI, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology (KICET), Senior Researcher

F. Glass
: (Japan) Tokuro NANBA, Okayama University, Professor
: (Japan) Yasuhiko BENINO, Okayama University, Associate Professor
: (Korea) Yong-Gyu CHOI, Korea Aerospace University, Professor
: (Korea) Woon-Jin CHUNG, Kongju National University, Professor

G. Nanoceramics
- Nanoparticles, Nanostructured materials, etc.

: (Japan) Tohru SEKINO, Osaka University, Professor
: (Korea) Yoo-Jin KIM, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology (KICET), Senior Researcher

H. Thin Films and Coatings
- PLD. sputtering, CSD, Aerosol deposition, etc.

: (Japan) Jun AKEDO, Advanced Coating Technology Research Center, Executive Chief Researcher
: (Japan) Rintaro AOYAGI, Advanced Coating Technology Research Center, Senior Researcher
: (Japan) Kentaro SHINODA, Advanced Coating Technology Research Center, Senior Researcher
: (Korea) Yoon-Suk OH, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology (KICET), Senior Researcher

I. Industry, Pottery, Porcelain, and Refractory materials
: (Japan) Naotaka SAKAMOTO, Fukuoka Industrial Technology Center, Team Leader
: (Japan) Shinobu HASHIMOTO, Nagoya Institute of Technology University, Professor
: (Korea) Chi-Youn LEE, Hanyang Women's University, Professor
: (Korea) Kee-Sung LEE, Kookmin University, Professor
: (Korea) Se-Ki Kim , Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, Senior Researcher

Awards for young presenters (below 40 years old)

"The Best Presentation Award" is awarded to several young ceramists who made excellent oral presentations, and also, "The Best Poster Award" is awarded to those who made outstanding poster presentations. The award ceremony will be held at the closing ceremony scheduled at 17:00 on November 22. We welcome many students to participate in this conference.


Early Bird
(Until Oct. 31)
(From Nov. 1)
Regular*30,000 JPY40,000 JPY
Student*15,000 JPY25,000 JPY
(Nov. 21, Max 160)
7,000 JPY
Lunch box
(Nov. 21 and 22)
1,800 JPY (900 JPY per meal)
(Nov. 23)
3,000 JPY
* includes program book, abstract data (USB), conference bag, coffee break, and welcome reception

  • Welcome Reception will be held at "Green House" in the venue (Torigin Bunka Kaikan), at 18:00 on Nov. 20 (Wednesday).
  • Bauquet will be held at "Hotel Monarque Tottori" near the Tottori Station, at 19:00 on Nov. 21 (Thursday). Here you can enjoy many kinds of Japanese seafood, including "Matsuba crab" caught in the Tottori area.
    Chartered bus of JK-Ceramics36 will take you from the venue to "Hotel Monarque Tottori". It takes about 10 min by the chartered bus. On foot, it takes about 20 min.

Visa application

If you need to apply for a temporary non-immigrant visa to attend the JK-Ceramics 36, please contact to Prof. Masui (masui@tottori-u.ac.jp) with the following information.

  1. Visa applicant list
    • Name (First and Family name)
    • Nationality (ex. Japanese etc.)
    • Date of birth (YYYY, MM, DD)
    • Sex (male or female)
    • Workunit (ex. ABC University etc.)
    • Position (ex. Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Research Associate, Senior Researcher, etc.)

  2. Schedule
    1. The detailed date of entering and leaving Japan and specific activities content of each day
      Nov. 20, Arrival at Tottori Airport by flight from ABC Airport via Tokyo/Haneda Airport
      Nov. 21-22, Attending JK-Ceramics 36 at Torigin Bunka Kaikan, Tottori
      Nov. 23, Departure from Tottori Airport to ABC Airport by flight via Tokyo/Haneda Airport
    2. Name of the hotel where you will stay
      ex.) Hotel Monarque Tottori

  3. Mailing address to send the VISA documents by EMS

  4. Phone number to write on the label for EMS

Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Tottori University, 4-101, Koyama-cho Minami, Tottori 680-8552, Japan
TEL&FAX: +81-857-31-5264
E-mail: masui@tottori-u.ac.jp

Copyright (c) 2019 JK-Ceramics 36