Active site tuning based on pseudo-binary alloys for low-temperature acetylene semihydrogenation
Original articles / Rreview papers
Active site tuning based on pseudo-binary alloys for low-temperature acetylene semihydrogenation
Interstitial Carbon Dopant in Palladium–Gold Alloy Boosting the Catalytic Performance in Vinyl Acetate Monomer Synthesis
Surface Engineering of Titania Boosts Electroassisted Propane Dehydrogenation at Low Temperature
Development of a Highly Stable Ternary Alloy Catalyst for Dry Reforming of Methane
Ternary platinum–cobalt–indium nanoalloy on ceria as a highly efficient catalyst for the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane using CO2
High-entropy intermetallics on ceria as efficient catalysts for the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane using CO2
High-Entropy Intermetallics Serve Ultrastable Single-Atom Pt for Propane Dehydrogenation
Cooperative Catalysis of Vibrationally Excited CO2 and Alloy Catalyst Breaks the Thermodynamic Equilibrium Limitation
Nickel-Based High-Entropy Intermetallic as a Highly Active and Selective Catalyst for Acetylene Semihydrogenation
Doubly Decorated Platinum–Gallium Intermetallics as Stable Catalysts for Propane Dehydrogenation
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 19715-19719.
[Selected as a Hot Paper]
Towards the Circular Economy: Converting Aromatic Plastic Waste Back to Arenes over a Ru/Nb2O5 Catalyst
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 5527-5535.
[International Collaboration]
Electroassisted Propane Dehydrogenation at Low Temperatures: Far beyond the Equilibrium Limitation
Silica-decorated Ni–Zn alloy as a highly active and selective catalyst for acetylene semihydrogenation
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2021, 11, 4016-4020.
[Special issue on "Emerging Investigators"]
Silica-Decoration Boosts Ni Catalysis for (De)hydrogenation: Step‐Abundant Nanostructures Stabilized by Silica
Single-atom Pt in intermetallics as an ultrastable and selective catalyst for propane dehydrogenation
[Selected as an Editor's Highlights]
Catalytic production of alanine from waste glycerol
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, 59, 2289-2293.
[International Collaboration]
Active, Selective, and Durable Catalyst for Alkane Dehydrogenation Based on Well-designed Trimetallic Alloy
PdIn-Based Pseudo-Binary Alloy as a Catalyst for NOx Removal under Lean Conditions
Cu–Pd Single-Atom Alloy Catalyst for Highly Efficient NO reduction
Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 8292-8298.
[Selected as the Front Cover and a HOT article] [Highlighted in Chemistry World]
Design of Pd-based pseudo-binary alloy catalysts for highly active and selective NO reduction
Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 4148-4162.
[Selected as the Back Cover]
Heterogeneous Additive-Free Hydroboration of Alkenes Using Cu–Ni/Al2O3: Concerted Catalysis Assisted by Acid-Base Properties and Alloying Effects
ACS Catal., 2019, 9, 5096–5103.
[Selected as a Supplementary Cover]
Identification of an Active NiCu Catalyst for Nitrile Synthesis from Alcohol
ACS Catal., 2019, 9, 6681–6691.
[International Collaboration]
Highly Active and Noble-Metal-Alternative Hydrogenation Catalysts Prepared by Dealloying Ni–Si Intermetallic Compounds
Enhanced Methane Activation on Diluted Metal–Metal Ensembles under an Electric Field: Breakthrough in Alloy Catalysis
Na-Melt Synthesis of Fine Ni3Si Powders as a Hydrogenation Catalyst
Extraordinarily large kinetic isotope effect on alkene hydrogenation over Rh-based intermetallic compounds
Division of Applied Chemistry,
Graduate School of Engineering,
Osaka University
Furukawa Laboratory
2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka, Japan 565-0871
C5-531 (room) Tel: 06-6879-7808
mail: furukawa [at]
© Furukawa Lab.
Division of Applied Chemistry,
Graduate School of Engineering,
Osaka University. All Rights Reserved.