Prof. Furukawa has been appointed as an Associate Editor of the journal "Catal". Catal is a new journal founded by Nature Springer in 2025 to cover a broad range of catalytic sciences.
Prof. Furukawa has been appointed as an Associate Editor of the journal "Catal". Catal is a new journal founded by Nature Springer in 2025 to cover a broad range of catalytic sciences.
We went to Shirahama-cho, Wakayama Prefecture on a lab trip.
We had a year-end party! We celebrated Professor Furukawa's birthday.
Plasma-derived atomic hydrogen enables low-temperature methanation.
The result of our joint research with Prof. Nozaki's group at Tokyo University of Science and other groups was press-released.
An article about this research was published also in the Nikkei electronic version.
"Plasma-Derived Atomic Hydrogen Enables Eley–Rideal-Type CO2 Methanation at Low Temperatures", JACS Au, 2024, in press.
We won our first game in futsal at the Suita Festival.
Tan Kai Qi has joined the group as a new D3 member. Welcome!
2024. 9. 5-7.
M1 students Okada, Jojima, Tsuzuki, and Tobbeto gave poster presentations at the Catalysis Society of Japan Young Scientists Meeting held at the Ishikawa Youth Training Center.
2024. 8. 23.
We had a party for B4's graduate school entrance exam!
2024. 7. 14-19.
Professor Furukawa and Assistant Professor Nakatani gave oral presentations at the 18th International Congress on Catalysis in Lyon, France.
2024. 7.5.
A pep rally was held for the B4 postgraduate entrance examinations!
2024. 6. 21.
We had a BBQ in Expo Park!
2024. 4. 9.
Nao Ooe, Saho Kajiwara, Takeyori Tanaka and Suzuno Murata have joined the group as new B4 members. Welcome!
2024. 4. 1.
Tomomi Uchikoshi joined as administrative assistant, and Kimitaka Kobe, Michito Jojima, Ryosuke Tsuzuki, Aoto Okada and Naoya Toubet joined as new M1 members. Welcome!
2024. 3. 28.
Associate Professors Nawee Kungwan and Padchanee Sangthong of Chiang Mai University (our partner university) visited our laboratory and held discussions.
2024. 3. 27.
Dr. Helena Wang from the University of Melbourne (Global Knowledge Partner of Osaka University) and Dr. Hamid Arandiyan from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology visited our laboratory and had discussions on future collaboration.
2024. 2. 14.
Publication has been updated.
2024. 1. 1.
Assistant professor Yuki Nakaya has been appointed.
2023. 12. 25.
Yuki Nakaya and Ke Liu received their Ph.D. degrees in Engineering and graduated Hokkaido University. Congratulations to them!
2023. 12. 22.
We had a year-end party for our lab & farewell party for Dr. Liu & birthday celebration for Prof. Furukawa (12/24). Thank you very much for your good contribution this year!
2023. 11. 16.
Hiroshi Kobayashi joined the group as a research fellow. Welcome!
2023. 10. 1.
Fang Zhang joined the group as a D1 student (Chemical Science Course).
2023. 9. 25.
Jiamin Ma received a PhD degree (engineering) and promoted to postdoc reseacher (JSPS PD). Congratulations!
2023. 7. 5-7.
We had synchrotron XAFS measurement at SPring-8 BL01B1 (Proposal number: 2023A0302, Graduate Student Proposal (long-term) by Yuki Nakaya)
2023. 7. 3.
Dr. Duanxing Li joined the group as a postdoctoral researcher.
2023. 5. 22.
Prof. Tu Xin of Liverpool University visited our lab for a discussion.
2023. 5. 16.
Dr. Fangyi Yao joined the group as a postdoctoral researcher.
2023. 5. 12-14.
We had synchrotron XAFS measurement at SPring-8 BL01B1 (Proposal number: 2023A0302, Graduate Student Proposal (long-term) by Yuki Nakaya)
2023. 5. 8.
Yuki Nakaya (D3), Ke Liu (D3), Jiamin Ma (D3) joined the group.
2023. 5. 1.
Prof. Shinya Furukawa arrived and started his laboratory.
Division of Applied Chemistry,
Graduate School of Engineering,
Osaka University
Furukawa Laboratory
2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka, Japan 565-0871
C5-531 (room) Tel: 06-6879-7808
mail: furukawa [at] chem.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
© Furukawa Lab.
Division of Applied Chemistry,
Graduate School of Engineering,
Osaka University. All Rights Reserved.